

You can concatenate character strings with the function paste().

If you want to concatenate the strings in a character vector to obtain one string in which all the strings in the vector are linked together, use the argument collapse.

x <- "ABC"
y <- "DEF"
z <- c(x, y)

# zには2つの文字列が入っている。
# There are two strings in the character vector z.
# > z
# [1] "ABC" "DEF"

# collapseを使わないとき、文字列は2つのまま、文字列が繋がる。
# When you use paste() without the collapse argument, the resultant object will contain two strings.
# > paste(z, sep = "")
# [1] "ABC" "DEF"

# collapseを使うと、文字列が1つにまとまる。
# If you use the collapse, the strings will be linked together.
# > paste(z, sep = "", collapse = "")
# [1] "ABCDEF"

# つなぎを指定することもできる。
# You can add your favorite characters in between the strings.
# > paste(z, sep = "", collapse = "*")
# [1] "ABC*DEF"